Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Meal Worth Writing About

I know I haven't written much about food on this trip.  To be frank most of the meals, while not terrible, haven't been noteworthy (with the possible exception of the Flemmish Stew I had here and yes the decor was as garish as the website).  Competent, yes, noteworthy no.  Last night our luck turned at Au Biuilland Normand on rue de la Ville.  The chef is known for his seafood and sauces.  Didn't try the seafood but the sauces were amazing.

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Started off wit a duck pate (foreground) and a tart made with camembert and apples (background)

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For the main course I had lamb that was within the top 5 lambs I've eaten.  Why not the best?  I'm and lamb snob so you've got to be pretty good to make #1.

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Carolyn had a beef dish that was a stew meat cooked in a wine and demi glaze reduction

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To top it off I had a cheese plate but Carolyn went for a roasted pear with caramel, whipped cream, and we think a praline ice cream.  AMAZING.

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