Friday, September 18, 2009

Last full day

It poured last night. It's raining this morning. We even cut our training session off with Zoey (we've been taking her to a local park and going through her tricks - see below)

There is a bit of a break right now. Trav is going down hilling again (I'll see if he'll let me get some pictures of his fresh bacon for a blog post - for the non-downhiller "bacon" is a scar from falling off the bike - "fresh bacon" is a new abrasion). Fran and I are going to take a hike and get some pictures (hopefully of things other than mushrooms). Chris: Elliot has no bacon or any other injuries as of 10:37 on Friday. Good Trip!

1 comment:

  1. LOL ~ As soon as I saw the word bacon and the description, I thought OH NO, not Elliot!

    Hey ~ Elliot could bring the Pug on the next family vacation and hang out with Zoey at the dog park. =O)

    Glad you are all having a nice time.Tell that little E-nipper I miss him.
