Friday, October 28, 2011

Eiffel Tower

Well we did it.   Touristy but fun.  Here are some pics.

IMG 1726

Carolyn got a little apprehensive as we got close to the elevator.


It's a long way to the top - 2 elevators.  Once you get to the second level you've got to catch another elevator (more waiting in line) to the "summit".


But we made it.  900 feet above Paris.


Pretty impressive views.


Here's the square where we saw the rugby team return.  With the telephoto on our poor little camera cranked.


It was high.


When we were back on the ground Carolyn seemed to be glad she did it!  Or she was glad it was over.  Which one wasn't clear to me.

Spent the rest of the day in the park on Champs du Mars (the big causeway leading up to the Eiffel tower) watching the world go by.  All in all a fun day.  We're prepping for our anniversary dinner now.  Still not sure where we're going but we'll figure that out.  As I said a few more status updates on the blog but probably not much more.  See you all soon.

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