For the analytically minded among you here’s my comparison of the trains in France vs. Italy. I’m preparing a PowerPoint to elaborate on this – please email me if you’d like a copy.
| France | Italy |
Pluses | - Leave On Time
- Quiet
- Helpful attendants
- Very comfortable ride and amenities (electrical outlets etc)
- Beautiful countryside
| - 700 trains going all directions from anywhere
- Dirt Cheap
- People all talk to each other
- Helpful passengers
- Food in station is as good as at a restaurant and it’s cheaper
- Beautiful countryside
Minuses | - Leave On Time (if you are remotely late forget it – you need to be on board 5 minutes before departure or they don’t let you on)
- Food in Station sucks and is expensive
- Reservations required for most trains - despite what agent says most trains run empty (reservations cost nothing so lots of folks get them and don’t use them)
- Passengers that try and be helpful but know less than you do
- Not a cheap means of travel
| - 350 of the 700 trains late or breaking down
- Stations tend to be in seedier parts of the town (though we never felt unsafe)
- Attendants that try and be helpful but know less than you do
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